It's time for our monthly interview and we couldn't be more excited to share our conversation with mompreneur, Rachel Charboneau!

We know you will draw inspiration as well as be reminded that you are CAPABLE of reaching your goals and that your passions MATTER!

Grab pen and paper or open your phone notes and let's get started! 



Hi Rachel! 

So glad we could chat with you and have our readers get to know you more! 
Let’s start off with the basics and dive right in! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, your platform and where you are in the world?!
Hello! Thanks so much for taking the time to interview me!  I’m Rachel, everyone calls me Rach. I’m a proud mom, wife, artist, and entrepreneur. I use my platform to share helpful business tips, creative Inspo, spiritual insight, and pieces of my life! My business specializes in brand identity, custom web design, and brand strategy for creative small businesses. We are super passionate about helping small businesses level up their visual identity so that they can compete with the big dogs and create more opportunities for themselves and others. We are based in Southern California.
That’s awesome! We love that you are passionate about small businesses and getting them to that next level! For those just starting a business or currently running their own shop, what would your top 3 tips for them in creating more success every way around? 
Do you have any fav hacks with apps for small business owners to level up their productivity? 
Love that you're growing your brand and have a family. What are some of the best ways you’ve found to bring harmony in your own way to your daily routine? It’s common now for us woman to be doing both and we’d love to hear your insights of what works and doesn’t for you!
My top three tips for creating and setting yourself up for success in life are 1. It's not selfish to take time for yourself. For me, I need my time to meditate, journal, read, and relax to show up for all of my roles every single day. My husband and I both give each other time to do this so we can be even better spouses and parents. 2. Don't be afraid to pivot! We are not one-dimensional beings who are supposed to only do one thing forever and ever. We are multi-passionate, we grow, we evolve. I'm a musician, I'm an artist, I'm a designer, I'm an entrepreneur, etc. I love all of it and I've learned not to put myself in a box. This has been essential for growth. 3. Do the work. What I mean by this is to stop looking around at what everyone else is doing and to just focus on you and your craft. Do the research, then do the work. Get really good at what you do. Read books, find mentors, dream up new ideas and concepts, shut off social media and texts. Do the work. You never stop learning and new ideas are available at any time! Just give yourself the space.
My favorite hacks for productivity: Get systems and processes in place! We live in this amazing digital age where everything is truly at our finger tips. Having systems helping you run your business is essential. We have project management tools, a CRM tool, and keep our workflow steady and organized. I share all of the details here in this blog post on our site. These tools are big time and life savers for us! Automation is so so helpful for giving you back your time. 
Love this last question: In response, I would say what brings harmony is truly embracing both of our roles in life, career, and family. I struggled in the beginning of owning my own business because my entire life I saw my parents own and operate their business together. It was engrained in me that my spouse HAD to be my business partner or something was wrong with our marriage. This is so far from the truth and once I released that insecurity and piece of my conditioning, I felt so free! My husband is an incredibly talented musician and composer and trying to get him to help me grow my brand was not serving our relationship at all and it just wasn't his thing. He is different than me and embracing that has made all the difference. We thrive in our roles and passions and support each other at every step. That's what brings harmony in our home and in our everyday.
Love this all so much. It definitely speaks loud and clear to fellow business owners and women who are taking on multiple roles! It’s so important to embrace that we are multidimensional and also seasonal! I think knowing your seasons is crucial! 
Ok time for some more fun!
Rach Responses
Tacos or burgers? Tacos! 
Beach or mountains? Beach 
Fav food: Thai Yellow Curry with egg noodles 
Fav scent: Chance by Chanel or Lazy Sunday Morning by Republic 
Fav pair of shoes: my Air Force ones so comfy or my black Birkenstock’s 
Fav outfit: oooo. High wasted biker shorts with a baggy shirt and a mom bun with gold hoops, layered necklaces, and my all natural BCN look lol
Podcast or book? Book
Dress up and go to dinner or game night and order in? Dress up & dinner
fav place to visit: Chicago 
Happy place: Laguna Beach
Fav color: Jade green
Fav time of day: morning 
Fav think to do when you have alone time: write, meditate, pray, brainstorm and be creative 
In and out or shake shack: in n out…NO COMPETITION SRY 
Popsicle or ice cream: Ice cream 
Picnic or food truck: Food truck!
 If you were to give a piece of advice to women starting their own business and also dedicated to raising her kids as well, what would you say?
Don’t let perfectionism be your biggest obstacle. Do it afraid. Take messy action. People feel authenticity, not perfection. If you have an idea that keeps you awake at night, or a burning passion to start something, START! Nap time is your new hustle time. Bed time is your new creative time. Make it fun and just BEGIN! You got this, mama! 
And finally! We love that you’re apart of the BCN fam! If you were curating a cart of must haves from BCN for someone reading this, which products would you insist they drop in their cart now!?
Omggg EVERYTHING lol my make up go-tos are foundation (color 1), glow serum, brow gel, virtue tint stick, lip gloss, and mascara. I also use the skin food line as my skin care. I have all of the things and I’m obsessed with it! The face masks also.  I have tried everything and I love it all! Not even trying to fan girl…it’s just the truth. 
Shop Rachel's Favs:
Gahhh thank you Rach! It’s been SUCH a pleasure. PS IN & OUT 4 LYFE ;) 
Please go follow Rach @rachcharboneau for inspiration and follow along her beautiful life and journey as a momprenuer. 

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